
Tips to Focus on When Creating a Brand Identity

— Tips to Focus on When Creating a Brand Identity

Creating a brand identity is an important step in establishing your company as an authority in your niche. It’s also a process that can be difficult and anxiety-inducing for small business owners. That’s why you need to have the right tips at hand to make this process easier. Here are six ways you can create a brand identity for your small business that doesn’t feel overwhelming but instead feels authentic. Read on to learn more about what you should keep in mind when creating a brand identity for your company, as well as some helpful ideas on how to avoid making common mistakes when designing a new look for your company.


Keep your brand consistent

The first thing you have to do when designing your brand identity is to decide on the visual style for your logo. You can’t have one logo for your business, then switch to a completely different style for your marketing materials. You have to keep your logo consistent with the visual style of your brand identity. You should also keep in mind that a logo is only one part of your brand identity, so you have to be careful not to overuse it. To keep your brand consistent, you’ll also want to make sure all of your marketing materials are consistent with your logo. Make sure your website, social media accounts, and marketing materials all include your logo. If your logo changes in any way, you’ll want to make sure your marketing materials are consistent with it. This will help your brand remain consistent and let customers know that you’re the same company they’ve come to know and trust.


Focus on a core message

The next step you need to take when designing your brand identity is to decide on a core message. The core message is the idea that you’re trying to convey with your logo, brand name, and visual identity. Your core message will help you decide what colors and other design elements you’ll include in your logo and other marketing materials. You want to find a core message that describes your product or service in a way that resonates with your target market. For example, if you sell organic baby food, your core message might be something about helping your clients grow up healthy. Whether you decide to focus on your core message or not is completely up to you. It’s important to note that you don’t have to choose one core message and stick with it throughout your business. It’s okay to change your core message from time to time to keep things fresh.


Stay true to your values

Once you’ve decided on your core message and chosen your logo and other design elements, it’s time to make sure they match up with your brand values. Trust is an important part of any business relationship, and it’s also an important part of any brand relationship. In order to build trust with your customers, you have to make sure that all of the content you create for your brand identity is true and genuine. This means staying true to your core message, logo, and design elements, as well as your values. You can do this by being true to the quality of your products or services, your delivery time, and your pricing. You’ll want to make sure that the content you create for your business is consistent with those values. Customers will recognize that they can trust you and your brand if you stay true to your values.


Build a strong foundation

When designing your brand identity, you need to make sure that you have a strong foundation. A strong foundation refers to the visual elements you’ve chosen for your brand identity. Those visual elements need to be consistent and complement each other well. The colors you choose for your logo, name, and visual elements need to be complementary. That means they should be colors that sit well with each other and don’t clash with each other. They also need to be colors that sit well with your chosen visual style. You also want to make sure that your logo is a good size. It should be big enough to look good when printed within an advertisement or on merchandise, but it should also be small enough to be easily readable when shown on a website or social media post. Your logo should be simple, recognizable, and attractive.


Don’t forget the little things

When designing a brand identity, you also want to make sure you don’t forget the little things. These are the details of your logo, brand name, and visual elements that don’t affect the overall look of your logo, but they still need to be consistent with your chosen visual style. For example, you’ll want to make sure that your font is the right size and that your spacing is even and consistent throughout your logo, brand name, and other visual elements. You also want to make sure that your colors are applied evenly and that your logo is straight and vertical when you’re finished. These are the little things that will help your brand identity look great when it’s printed or viewed online.


Avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself

Finally, when designing a brand identity for your company, you want to keep in mind that you don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself. This means that you avoid going overboard with the details of your logo, visual elements, and other design elements. For example, you don’t need to include every detail in your logo, brand name, and visual elements. You want to make sure you stay true to your chosen style, and you also want to make sure your logo isn’t so complex that it draws unnecessary attention to itself.



When you’re starting out as a small business owner, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why you want to make sure you have your brand identity figured out. This will help you to establish a visual identity for your company, which you can use to market your products and services and connect with your target market. When you have a brand identity that you’re happy with, it can help you to avoid many of the common pitfalls that new business owners encounter when designing a new logo.


For help with your brand identity, click here.