
5 Reasons Why Brand Social Media Guidelines Matter

— 5 Reasons Why Brand Social Media Guidelines Matter

In today’s social media landscape, brands are expected to have a presence on all platforms. With more than 200 million users posting photos and videos each month, there’s little reason why your brand can’t be found here too. However, with that comes the need for companies to create formal guidelines on how they will be using those channels in the future. These guidelines help employees focus on the tasks that are important to the company’s goals rather than spread them out across every social media platform. Social media doesn’t come with a manual and being active on all platforms is necessary if your brand is going to grow. But by creating formal guidelines, you can ensure employees work towards building a strong brand image and not just a large following. Here are 5 reasons why you should care about creating brand social media guidelines:


Employees will know what’s expected of them

Social media guidelines help employees know the proper way to use channels, especially public ones such as Facebook and Twitter. If employees on social media know what’s expected of them, then they’ll be much more likely to be productive. This holds especially true for social media teams. Teams that are highly skilled and experienced may need to be reminded that they should be focusing on their brand, not just pushing out content for followers. With guidelines in place, social media teams can be reminded to keep their focus on the company goals and not just their own likes and follows.

Employees will be more productive

If social media guidelines are clear and concise, then it’s easier for employees to see themselves as a part of the brand. And when employees feel like they’re a part of something, they’re more likely to be happy and productive at work. This is especially important for social media teams, who may feel pressured to have a large presence on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. With more employees using social channels, there’s even more pressure to be seen. Creating guidelines can help employees see the value in maintaining a small presence. It can also make it easier for employees to justify their social media presence to managers, who may have different opinions on the matter.

Brand image and reputation will be maintained

When brands are appropriate and professional on social media, it can provide a better image for the company. This is especially important for large brands with a large presence on social media, like retail stores or food chains. By following guidelines, you can ensure these companies are consistent and professional in their posts. This is extremely important for maintaining the brand image and reputation. If social media guidelines are not followed, then these can be damaged. A brand image can be negatively affected if inappropriate content is posted or if brands are overly emotional or opinionated.

Employees will have a clear understanding of the brand goals

Providing guidelines allows employees to see the bigger picture. By creating structured guidelines, you can help employees understand the brand goals, including the purpose behind their social media presence. This is extremely helpful for keeping social media goals clear, especially if social media guidelines are changed or modified. No matter what happens in the office, if employees understand the brand goals, then they will be able to focus on the bigger picture.

Bottom line

In today’s social media landscape, brands are expected to have a presence on all platforms. As a result, stressing the importance of brand social media guidelines will help maintain the brand image and reputation, as well as keep the bottom line healthy. With guidelines in place, social media teams can be more productive and employees will have a better understanding of the brand. Brands can maintain their image, as well as ensure reputations are kept intact with proper guidelines. Understanding these reasons will create a strong foundation for any business to establish its guidelines and grow as a business.


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